During the latter part of last week I found myself in a moment of reflection. I came across something on social media and I paused. I paused and thought about how God really interrupted all of my plans, how He interrupted my whole life to put me where I needed to be but most importantly where He needed me to be. I remember going through certain trials and errors in life wondering and thinking when I was going to catch a break. At times I felt like in life I was always dealt the short end of the stick. In spite of what was going on in my life I still had this plan of how I wanted my life to plan out. It was in that moment that I realized how much God has saved me from myself.
Let me tell ya'll; I had my whole entire life planned out, and I can rest assure that not one thing in my plan has fully gone through, at least not the way I had envisioned it to. Back then I think I used to think that I would probably be disappointed or upset with God if He didn't allow my plans to go as I (keyword: "I") wanted them too but He interrupted my life in so many different manners that I never was truly upset with God but more so thankful. I may have been disappointed or confused but allowing Him to give me peace and clarification He always helped me to see the bigger picture. I think often times we have our whole lives planned out that we forget to include God. We get so caught up in the things we want and desire over God's will for our lives to the point where we won't even pray for His will to manifest because we're afraid His answer will be no. For a while that was me, I used to avoid praying God's will to be done in my life because I was so afraid that He would say no to the things that I really wanted. What I've come to learn is that even if God says no it's because He has something so much better in store. Where we mess up at is when we hold our faith high to the things that we can see instead of what we can't see. God's word says that we should walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). His word also says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). We don't always have to see everything before the blessing.
It wasn't until I was preparing to enter into a new chapter in my life where I knew I needed God's guidance more than ever before, is when I began to pray for God's will to always be done and manifested in my life. With growth comes maturity and with a humble spirit I easily submitted all of my desires, goals, dreams, and plans to Christ. I wanted whatever it was that He wanted for me, even if that meant not getting the things I thought I so badly wanted just to find out He had better waiting. I began to trust His will over mine. I look back now and I am so thankful that God interrupted my plans and saved me from myself. I'm thankful that He blocked me from self destruction. To think He loved me so much that He didn't allow me to ruin myself in order to allow His will to be done, because let's be real no matter what God's will is always going to manifest. But like the awesome Father He is, He was patient and gentle with me. He let me fall to learn but He always picked me up, dusted me off, and re-guided me to His plan.
My prayer today is that we all will humbly submit our plans to Christ and trust that His plan and will is greater than anything we could imagine. I pray that we will boldly pray for God's will to always manifest in our lives and that we will have a heart of gratitude when He interrupts us from our own plans and desires.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb