Happy Saturday friends! So last month I wrote a blog post entitled “My Defender”. I decided to do a part 2 of that post because I’ve been having this reminder come up in the past day or so where I’m reminded that God is my defender. One of the things that I’m also reminded of is that whenever God is preparing or doing a new thing the enemy doesn’t like it of course. So of course he’s going to try to put up a fight and attack to just keep you down or to get you in this place to think that God is not with you or for you.
Some of the things that I’ve been finding myself say unknowingly is that “God knows” and “God is my defender” because it’s true. God knows everything. He knows what the enemy has planned, He knows the attacks and the fight, He knows it all. God being all knowing is going before me on my behalf, He’s protecting me, covering me, He’s defending me and fighting on my behalf against every attack, against every nay sayer, against every situation. In the past few weeks I’ve been experiencing God move in a way that my spirit needs. I’ve been experiencing my prayers touch God’s ears not saying that every prayer we pray doesn’t touch His ears but expressing that there has been action seen behind my prayers. This has reminded me that God is my defender. Or experiencing the peace of God that comes after experiencing attacks or frustration that comes with, God is still my defender. I’ve taken away from this week that no matter what God is defending me in a righteous manner. He is covering me.
My prayer today is that we know God as our defender. I pray that we experience God as Jehovah-Shaphat the Lord who is our defender. I pray that we know we are covered, protected, and that God will make the enemy pay for every attack that he has tried to send our way. I pray that we believe and trust in God as the defender of our lives!
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb