Happy Saturday & welcome to July! Can we spend a moment talking about how fast this year is flying by? As I think on the past 6 months of this year I can say 2024 has taken a journey of its own. So much happening yet nothing happening at the same time lol. Two things can be true at once at times.
For the past few months I’ve been very intentional about spending time with God and really seeking Him about the hard stuff concerning my life. Being transparent I became a little frustrated at God recently because it seemed as though all of the opposite things were or are happening from what He said to me. I was frustrated because I began to feel like I couldn’t hear my Father’s voice. I began to feel as though I was making up all these things that deep down inside I know I wasn’t making up. I began to feel discouraged.
One morning (yesterday to be exact lol) I went to God as His daughter and I had a real heart to heart about what I had been feeling lately. After I was done I asked Him to show me that He was listening to me. Even though I already knew He was, it just hadn’t been feeling like it lately. I look in the mirror and I began to read my shirt. A shirt that I’ve had for years and decided to wear yesterday. It read “things aren’t always as they seem”. I never payed attention to that saying on my shirt yet in that moment it was so profound. How about the theme of the shirt was walk by faith with a boy blindfolded walking. I share that to say that’s pretty much what my life has been like for the past few years and as difficult as it has been to navigate, even in those moments God reminded me that He cares about the little things concerning me.
I share all that to say how I wasn’t really planning to write this post or even share this until I heard “only when I say move”. Sometimes we can get so caught up in a vision or a desire that we move on our own time and not God’s. A lot of things can seem like it would work out perfectly fine in the timing that we see fit and maybe it would. However, what is our timing compared to God’s perfect timing? I was posed with a great reminder that we can have everything that we want or desire from God yet we’re not in control of how long we will have it. I was reminded that being content is an everyday choice and being in a state of gratitude is the heart posture that will take you far.
I recently made this very big decision and what I felt was right timing truly wasn’t. Was I dissapointed? Absolutely. Did I feel peace? Absolutely not. The peace was more important than my disappointment. Remembering that God knows best is a daily reminder that we must tell ourselves so that we’re not moving ahead of God. Moving only when He says to move will save us a lot of discomfort in the long run.
My prayer today is that we will be intentional about not only hearing God’s voice and following Him, but that we would learn His voice for ourselves. That we will become familiar with His voice. I pray that even when He speaks to us we’re still to hear His next.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb
Timing is everything!!