One of my prayers this year has been for God to use me and for me to be an empty vessel always ready to be used by God. Today was a day where I had the experience to be used by God. It's amazing how God will use you when you least expect it, no matter if you feel like it or don't. I guess that's what comes with the "readily to be used" part of my prayer huh? They say be careful what you ask God for but most times I'm grateful for my prayers because they are planting seeds for the fruit that will be produced.
Today I went to an amazing event and as a co-facilitator I generally am supposed to speak to the guest. I was originally was supposed to be talking with 5 other girls but on two different occasions only ended up talking to one person. I remember thinking like "wow God so nobody wants to sit at my table" only to figure out that God was orchestrating a moment for me to plant seeds. I was able to speak to a woman who is on an amazing journey with Christ and God used me to plant seeds in her life on this journey. I don't know her from a can of paint I literally met her today but we clicked instantly and we had an amazing conversation about God. It's still amazing to me how I really sat there thinking that I was just going to sit at this table alone yet I truly believe God orchestrated for me to have a one on one because that is truly what that woman needed. I was able to pour hope and God's love into her and she left feeling refreshed and renewed. This is what I mean in my prayers when I ask God to use me and for me to be an empty vessel. I'm thankful that God uses me and trust me to be a beacon of light. Something I won't take for granted.
I want to encourage you today. Don't count yourself out. Don't think that you are unable to be used by God. Know that God will use who He will and those who will allow Him to use them. God loves a sincere heart.
My prayer is that we will get in a place where we will allow God to use us and that we will be readily available to be used by God. I pray that our hearts will be sincere towards God.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb