We are finally at the end of 2020. This year has been extremely challenging for so many people. From experiencing so many tragic losses to creating a "new normal" in the wake of a global pandemic. 2020 truly stretched a lot of people thin. Even though 2020 was a tragic year I can't help but to recap on the good that came out of this year as well. I'm blessed to still be here to even write this recap and I don't take the opportunity lightly.
As you all know I love to reflect and I have a lot to reflect on as well. So let's get to it. This year gave me the much needed down time that I needed and asked for. I stepped into my creative purpose more this year than I ever have before. As I mentioned last year that I had the opportunity to do my first collaboration as a blogger. I was a part of the amazing author Karolyne Robert's virtual book tour that went live this year and created life long sisters through the ladies who I was featured on the book tour with. I celebrated my 24th birthday with close friends and family. I began stepping out more with taking pictures not only for my brand/blog but for me to become more confident. I spent a lot of time writing, I finished a project that I began working on in 2019. I started vocal lessons and really took time to take care of a gift that God blessed me with. I did more photo shoots this year than I ever have before, which I truly believe is preparing me for a life that God has for me. I spent a great amount of time reading books. I read a total of 6 books this year which I'm really proud of. I recorded music and was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of 3 projects this year. I'm grateful for that because music is my first love and I know this is just the beginning. I mourned and celebrated this year. I celebrated my 1 year blogversary which I was truly excited for because I have put so much time and effort into my blog and looking back on my accomplishments has motivated me to go even harder. I was personally asked to do 2 features on my blog which has showed me that people see the gift that God has planted in me.
This year I also launched my podcast "As Told By Deb & Eb" with my amazing co-host and friend. I bought a bike this year and truly partook in simple acts of self care. I cooked more this year but I also tried a lot of new restaurants this year too. I also finally took a jab at making my Aunt Nettie's banana pudding and did her justice. I served my community and city with my amazing church family and built new friendships. I also worked more jobs in one year than I have in all my years of working. I truly was on the grind this year. I mastered 2 semesters of grad school during a pandemic while managing all responsibilities from home. I also started therapy this year which has been so rewarding for me. I'm grateful to have found the most perfect therapist for me on the first try. Therapy has opened my eyes to so much and encouraged me to grow in ways I never thought I could. I rekindled friendships, forgave people from my past and truly worked on forgiveness this year. I can truly say that I have grown so much this year and have truly been more self aware.
2020 has been a year of preparation for me and I know that God has amazing things in store for me in 2021. I want to be ready to receive all that He has for me and more. God has been so faithful to me this year. My word for 2020 was "God is faithful" and that indeed He truly is. He showed me time and time again of His faithfulness and I'm forever in awe of His goodness. I grew closer to God this year in ways that I never thought I would. There were so many times where I felt far or distant but God showed me time and time again that He cared for me and that was enough to get me through 2020.
My prayer today is that we spend time reflecting on 2020. I pray that we make peace with all of the bad and that we cherish the good that we experienced as well. I pray that we prepare to walk into 2021 with high expectation of God's faithfulness towards us. May 2021 be greater than our latter.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb