A while ago I talked about not putting God in a box and this week I had this moment where I believe that God was showing me how easy it is for us to live in a mediocre manner. We ask God for the bare minimum and sometimes fail to ask Him for the bigger things that our hearts are desiring. I think sometimes we get this notion that we're asking God for too much, but honestly how could we ever possibly ask God for too much? If anything I think we don't ask God for enough.
I had this incident in my life pop up and it was very unexpected, however in the process of asking God for what I needed, I exceeded my prayer in asking Him for what I truly wanted out of the situation. See God could give you more than what you need, He can give you what you want too. That right there is hard for people to believe sometimes. It's hard to believe because we may get what we need expeditiously but when it comes to our wants it may seem to be on delay. However, no matter the timing I believe that God will cover all areas of our life; the wants, the needs, and even give a bit more. God's word says that He will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think of. Ephesians 3:20. We have to know that God isn't a God who is mediocre. He doesn't just do the bare minimum. We have to know that God is not a stingy God. There's no limit with Him, and in His will for our lives we will be filled and experience no lack. God will always fill us up and continue to give us more.
My question today is this. Is your heart ready for more? Is your heart prepared for the exceedingly and abundance of God?
My prayer today is that we stop scratching the surface with God. I pray that we will go before God boldly in all that we ask. I pray that we go with expectations for Him to do exactly what it is that He said He will do. I pray that in all of the expecting that we go to God and receive all of what He has for us and that overflow of whatever we need will be our portion.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb