Insecurities are something that we all have. Some tend to have more insecurities than others due to a lot of contributing factors. I myself have grew up with insecurities, some that lingered on longer than intended to. It wasn't until I began really building healthy relationships when my insecurities began to get exposed. A lot of us hide behind our insecurities in some way shape or form to the point where we can't see our true selves. Exposing your insecurities is the best way to shine light on who you truly are because we are not what our insecurities label us as.
Mainly when we're talking about insecurities people automatically think about being insecure about the way that they look. No one ever truly talks about the insecurities of how people feel about themselves as well as what they think about themselves. Extreme insecurity can also be a dangerous problem to have. To prevent your insecurities from being stroked or triggered most insecure people tend to be controlling, narcissistic, and entitled in some manners. They also tend to not be true to themselves and they worry a lot about what people think. Those are just a few signs of insecurities. Insecurities show up in many different ways and sometimes we can't even tell that we're insecure until it is truly exposed.
Exposing your insecurities can be a painful thing to endure because in most cases all you can hear or communicate is all of the things that is wrong with you instead of communicating that these are the areas that needs growth and you can overcome in. You have to believe that the things that you are insecure about are not true. You don't have to accept it, what you do have to do is acknowledge it and then put the work in to change that thought or belief. We all have problems and we're not perfect but being bound to your insecurities hold you back from a life of freedom. There is a great future attached to your name but you can't see it because you have let the labels that people, the world, society, etc have put on you and you've carried it, nursed it, and raised it.
I believe it's time for a rebirth. Labels and insecurities can't hold on to the minds that they can't control. They can't attach to the re-birthed version of you. They can't live if they're not being fed. Feed and nurture who you are and starve out your insecurities, the negative labels, and anything else that makes you feel small. You are mighty in Christ.
My prayer today is that we see past our insecurities and that we look at ourselves through the lens that God sees us through. I pray that we begin to starve the bad and feed the good. I pray that we practice renewing our minds and begin to walk, talk, and believe like the person that we really are. I pray that we will often expose our insecurities so that they have no place to over shine us. Most importantly I pray that we begin to grow into secure individuals who only speak the truth about who we really are.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb