Happy Saturday friends! As I recently just finished reading the book of Lamentations and the short book begins with a state of mourning actually much of the book is a state of mourning. As I read this book I thought often about how sometimes our life can be full of mourning and things that we go through and never really process and even take time to grieve. Sometimes we can find ourselves so deep in sorrow that it's hard to see the joy. One part of Lamentations that I really held on to was how God's mercies is new everyday. Even in our moments of despair God is merciful, God is still loving and compassionate towards His children.
I want to encourage you today to hold on to God's mercies and hold on to His compassion. It's okay to grieve your hurt it's okay to mourn the pain but don't forget that God turns sorrows into joy. The season of lament will turn into a season of joy!
My prayer today is that we hold on to God's love, His heart, His compassion and His mercy during our times of sorrow. I pray that we be authentic with God and transparent in our many different seasons and begin to have revelation of the heart of God and for peace and joy to be our portion.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb
Lamentations 3:22-23 was my devotion for today. How timely is this post! Thank God for His love and mercy.