Happy Saturday friends! I don't know about ya'll but it's only the 3rd day of September and I can already tell that September is going to be a special month. A month with an open blessing, promises coming to pass, and God's faithfulness overflowing. I'm excited for what is in store for this month.
There was so many things that I wanted to write about this morning and as I was sitting here I simply heard "great is thy faithfulness". As I heard that I couldn't help but to think about not only how God has been faithful but how Holy Spirit was telling me that His faithfulness will be experienced throughout this month and into the remainder of the year. This morning in prayer someone who I was listening to reminded me that this is the 9th month of the year and how some of us have been waiting on whatever we're believing in God for to come to pass and just like a woman carries a child for 9 months and goes through labor and delivers her baby, were in the 9th month where we are finally going to birth out and see the promises of God. There are so many things that I am looking to God for in this season alone. I'm standing in high expectations to receive and experience all that God has for me.
If I can be honest this year has been a roller coaster in many ways and I fought with the enemy so hard over the promises that God promised me and in some ways it seemed like he won, but God has been reminding me lately of how He is a restorer of not only the result of situations but also the restorer of time. I remember feeling like time was stolen from me and I wouldn't get it back or it would be a struggle but God simply reminded me that His promises for my life still stands. Something I'm working on is focusing on what God says about my situations, what He has promised me and who I am to Him. It can be so easy to be caught up in the reality of what you see and experience but "GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS". Being vulnerable before God, expressing to Him my shortcomings, relinquishing control, but most of all trusting Him with my whole heart.
God is more than just God. He's our father, a friend, a provider, a promise keeper, a way maker, a lover, a miracle worker, the time keeper, a restorer, a healer, a protector, a peace maker, and so much more. I'm thankful that in this season and all of the ones before and after that God sees me, that He sees us and that He is working on our behalf and not because we deserve it but because He calls us His own and He loves us.
My prayer today is simply of thanks to God. Thank you God that your love runs so deep, thank you for protecting me in times when I didn't even know I needed covering, thank you for being El Roi the God that sees me, thank you for being my father and friend, thank you for truly being the lover of my soul and making all things new pertaining me. Thank you for opening, closing and reopening doors pertaining to your promises for me. Thank you for revealing your heart to me. I thank you God for your mercy and grace being new every day. Thank you for wanting me well and for moving on my behalf. Most of all thank you for not counting me out and cleaning me up when I was a mess. Great is your faithfulness to me, to your children you love. Amen.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb