Happy Saturday friends! I wanted to share a little tidbit that I learned this week because it help me to fix my focus a bit. This week was unexpectedly rough for me, of course no one plans to experience bad days or a bad week at that. However I immediately found myself very frustrated and my frustration quickly turned into anger. As this year is and has been good so far...I realized that I felt this fire in January and so many things were shown to me in the spirit realm that really ignited my faith and outlook on this year. Then I ran into back to back attacks and just got angry and began to question and doubt God. Not necessarily because I didn't believe or trust Him, but simply because I was confused at the time. Wondering heavily as to why it seemed that everything that was shown to me the opposite was happening and I felt like I was setback.
I realized towards the end of the week that me being frustrated and upset with God had nothing to do with what He showed me about my life this year, but instead everything to do with my actions and my lack of faith. Remembering that God never said rough times won't happen. Even in my rough times how I respond and my heart posture through it all is what really matters and what really will position me for the aftermath. I found it so ironic how there were many things that happened before my catastrophic week. One in particular was me hearing a specific word from my pastor that related to a lot of how our approach should be in times of unforeseen circumstances. This week could have easily been a test for me right, because everything that I was thinking about during the sermon was attacked this week. I say test because this was the perfect opportunity for me to put my "faith shades" on as my pastor says and I did the complete opposite.
I'm working on making sure that what God decides to share with me in the spirit it should always line up in the natural and if it hasn't happened yet in the natural then it should line up with my faith until it happens. I simply was reminded this week of one thing and that was to hold on to God's truth and to not let it go. I have been challenged so much lately on holding on to the truth and to be honest so far I haven't been doing the best in that area. However I am committed moving forward to push myself to hold on to what God has said and to not allow my thoughts, actions, or words curse God's promises. God could easily keep my future to Himself and allow me to figure it out on my own blindsided. I'm grateful that He doesn't even in times of trouble and I say things like "God why do you show me so much and the opposite always happens" or "I wish God would just stop showing me things". Of course I don't mean those things but another thing I'm committed to is taking control of my emotions in the good and the bad.
My prayer today is that we readjust what we decide to focus on. I pray that we hold on to God's truth and don't let go because He's not a man that can lie. I pray that even when it seems like it's not happening for us that God will remind us and that He will show up at the perfect time to blow our minds with all of His promises for us.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb
In your devotion time read Mark 4. Pay attention to verse 15. When God gives us a word the enemy comes immediately to steal the word. That is one of his strategies. Know where the attacks are coming from.❤️