I've been going back and forth about what I was going to write/talk about and God placed the words "in spite of" on my heart twice today. I want to encourage you all today. Don't let your faith begin to waver. Don't let your trust in God begin to fail. You may be hearing more bad reports than good ones during this time but God is still good in spite of. You may be confused and hurt but God still comforts and brings peace in spite of. You may be wondering how you're going to press forward but trust that God is still faithful in spite of. God is still in the miracle working business. God still mends broken hearts, he still dries tears. God still provides. God still heals, God still brings peace. God is close and He is near especially to the broken hearted. God knew about everything before it even happened. He promised us that everything concerning the year 2020 will be all right and that All will be made right. Restoration will still go forth and there will be calmness in the midst of the storm. So keep your head up and rejoice in spite of. Praise in spite of. Pray in spite of. Laugh in spite of. Trust Him in spite of and hold on to your faith in spite of.
My prayer today is that we hold on to our faith and trust God. I pray that we will be steadfast and unmovable. I pray that we will rejoice and continue to give God glory and honor IN SPITE OF.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb