Happy Saturday! You know this week has been very eventful to say the least and there of course has been a lot of uproar about current events. One of the things that God has been highlighting to me over the past few months is how things are being set up for a revival. We may not understand what’s going on or why things are going on but they are also the perfect ingredients for a revival to take place not just in this country but in this nation.
Some of you may be reading this and ask what exactly is a revival? A revival is an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again. It’s a restoration to bodily or mental vigor, to life or consciousness. It’s an improvement in the condition or strength in something. For a long time God has been replaced and forgotten within the earth and amongst His creation. Imagine establishing the entire universe just to be rejected and forgotten by your very own creation. We ourselves don’t like being or feeling left out and in the same manner God doesn’t either.
God is a loving, caring and merciful God. He is also just. God’s word is coming to pass right before our eyes. God is not a man that He can lie, nor can His word fall to the ground. God is speaking and moving in the earth. He is tugging on hearts and is introducing Himself to those who may not even know Him. God cares about our souls, He cares about our eternity. This is the time to know God for yourself. This is the time to truly get to know God and know His character. God loves each and every one of us with an everlasting love. He wants us all to know Him and to call us all His own.
My prayer today is that we are not only ready for the revival that is to come but that also those who are believers will receive and love on those who come to Christ. That our witness will not be tampered and that our heart postures are pure.
With love,
-Yours Truly, Eb